Saturday, 13 April 2013

Facing Mirrors at the LLGFF

Facing Mirrors 
آینه های روبرو 

Directed by Negar Azarbayjani
Full production details on imdb

Simple but moving tale carefully constructed to promote
understanding of what it means to be transgender in Iran 

Facing Mirrors is director Negar Azarbayjani's first feature film and the first film about transsexuality to receive a mainstream release in Iran. The film follows an episode in the lives of Eddie (Shayesteh Irani), a rich transgender man fleeing from his oppressive family and Rana (Qazal Shakeri), a cis woman who is struggling to support her family by driving a taxi. Their worlds collide when Rana accepts Eddie's money in exchange for driving him to Tehran from where he plans to fly to Germany for sex reassignment surgery.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Passion, Art and (1)Reason in Video Games

Game Developers Conference 2013

Video games and films have a lot in common as works of art communicating meaning and beauty and defining our times. Well, 'good' films and 'good' games have this in common. Video games still don't carry as much respect as movies, but I would argue that for every mindless FPS there is a cinematic equivalent. Usually featuring Jason Statham.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Submerge at the LLGFF

Australia 2012
Directed by Sophie O'Connor
Full production details on imdb


Amateurish but fairly enjoyable b-movie. praiseworthy for the understated treatment of bisexuality and fetishism.

Day two of the 27th BFI London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, and I'm off to see some pornography. Well, Submerge was originally conceived as a porn film by co-writer/producer Kat Holmes. In the 9 long years it has taken to reach the screens of the BFI it has come a long way.